Westpoint Farm Website Design Development
Westpoint Veterinary Group spans twenty practices nationwide, from Cornwall to Scotland, providing dedicated livestock focused services for farmers.
The highest level of specialist farm veterinary service to keepers of food producing animals across the UK. The organisation aims to work in partnership with farmers on a contracted service basis offering clients a range of benefits that will have a direct and positive impact on the profitability and efficiency of their farm, and the health and welfare of their animals.
To showcase the amount of practices which Westpoint Farm Vets now have under their banner. To provide information pages about these practices and their operation. For farms to easily access information about the local specialist veterinary services on offer to them.
Public Designers worked with a wider IT team providing digital design and development to establish a visual link between Westpoint Farm Vets services under one umbrella organisation.
Website design and development
We worked with the Digital Services team to explore our ideas and website requirements in a workshop. This session helped to clarify our ideas on what we wanted the new site to achieve from a business and customer point of view. The workflow site map was a useful way to see the functionality, connections between the pages and sites and external communication links with Social Media platforms. Designers then presented Westpoint with visual examples of proposed site appearances and layouts. Once these were agreed and signed off, we continued to work closely with the design team through the development phases. Our customers are now able to locate their nearest practices with geo-location to each site and can easily differentiate between the services on offer.
Alison Eves: Ecommerce Manager – Westpoint Farm Vets Group